US4098 (In Progress)
A gifted communicator, Joel has built a successful career as a consultant and presenter. People enjoy his positive attitude and appreciate how he delivers practical insights with clarity, warmth and integrity. As one of our Associates, he is adept at delivering complex material in an engaging way.
Joel’s career spans the world of business and self-employment, as well as learning and personal development. He has owned his own security franchise, where he’s managed staff and made door-to-door sales. He has a degree in counselling and had a counselling practice to match, and he has completed several engineering papers out of his interest in technology. All this, as well as delivering hundreds of speaking engagements and spending thousands of hours facilitating groups and running programs.
It all comes back to Joel’s interest in people and what drives them. As he says, “I love to learn and have a natural curiosity about people, how they function, and why.”
Joel’s life experience is an asset he brings to his work with The Learning Wave. You will find him an approachable, insightful and genuine person to deal with. He also claims to be terrible at spelling and insists on being a bit silly at times.
US4098 (In Progress)