NZQA Procedures
The Learning Wave is here to support you to complete your learning and any related assessment requirements. Your success is our satisfaction.
How to get help…
Pastoral care, welfare and learner support
The Learning Wave and your company supervisors will jointly support you during this learning and assessment programme. If you need help, please discuss this confidentially with your facilitator, training manager (where applicable) or your direct supervisor/manager.
Support provided by The Learning Wave:
- learning and assessment resources
- your workshop Facilitator
- progress tracking and text alerts to submit portfolio evidence at each milestone
- queries or concerns outside of the workshops can be sent to They will respond within 48 hours.
- Marking of your submitted fully completed portfolio within 21 working days of the date of submission
- Issue of the NZQA Certificate on successful completion of all assessment requirements and pass criteria. Within 14 working days from the date of application.
- Registration of achievement of the qualification on your NZQA Record of Learning.
Support provided by your company:
- Make time available for you to attend the workshops
- Supervisor attestations and/or observations for your workplace application of learning (where applicable)
- Available to discuss the learning programme
- Support for any learning and evidence gathering required to do on-job.
At The Learning Wave we aim to Inspire, Empower and Challenge you. We hope as a result of your learning journey with us you will feel and see the difference in what you know and can do.
Programme Rules and Regulations
The expected standard of behaviour is in accordance with your workplace expectations, and in respect of your programme facilitator, assessor and fellow learners, to create a positive and supportive learning environment. Below are some guidelines to ensure you have a positive learning experience:
Be on time | You are expected to arrive on time for all on-site learning sessions. |
Actively participate | Enjoy this learning experience! We will facilitate in a fun and exciting way, but you must take part fully to gain the benefit. Join in the group discussions. Get involved not only in providing answers, but also in writing your group’s responses and reporting back to the larger group; give examples of your own personal (relevant) experiences; ask for clarification if you don’t understand; submit your assessments for marking when they’re due; ask for further support if you require it. |
No cell phones | All cell phones are to be turned off during the learning sessions. If you are expecting an urgent call, or you need your phone for work, please make your facilitator aware of this. Also, please put your phone on “vibrate” so as not to disturb the rest of the group. Please quietly leave the room to answer any calls. |
Submit your own work for assessment | You must verify that all assessment work is solely your own. |
Keeping Safe
The Learning Wave wants your learning and assessment experience to be a safe and enjoyable experience for you. We take that seriously, but we also expect you to take it seriously.
You are expected to ensure your own personal health and safety at all times during your learning and assessment experience. Your facilitator will review your company’s emergency and evacuation procedures with you during the induction, and will cover specifically the procedures for:
- evacuation
- fire
- earthquake
- bomb scare
Please follow all procedures if there is a real evacuation, or an evacuation drill.Any other procedures specific to your facility/ will also be covered at this time. To ensure your safety, your facilitator may from time to time, review these with you during the programme.
Your facilitator will work hand in hand with your company to ensure the health and safety of your learning environment.
However, if you see any immediate hazards, please advise your facilitator, who will make every effort to eliminate it promptly.
Disciplinary Procedures
Should you become disruptive to other learners or behave in a way that does not support a positive learning environment for fellow learners, your facilitator or Assessor, then The Learning Wave reserves the right to discuss the matter with your workplace supervisor and agree any disciplinary procedures that relate to those in your workplace disciplinary policy and procedures and expected conduct.
Portfolio Assessment Conditions
If you are doing a portfolio assessment then in your Welcome emails you will have been provided with milestones to guide your submissions. The Learning Wave will also be tracking your progress and reminding you of milestone dates (where applicable) coming up. However, it is your responsibility to ensure your work is submitted to meet these timelines.
Late submissions – if you have concerns about meeting portfolio submission deadlines please communicate with your Facilitator or email at least five working days prior to the due date. Extensions will only be granted for matters outside the learner’s control.
Where relevant a medical certificate or letter of explanation is required. If your extension request is related to work priorities in your employment then you will need to provide a signed letter from your supervisor that includes the date your work will be completed and submitted.
The Learning Wave will then consider extension applications and may grant an extension with a revised due date, that will relate to the reason for the extension. The period of the extension is at the discretion of The Learning Wave in consultation with your programme Facilitator and Assessor, and where the extension is work related, your supervisor.
The Learning Wave will do all they reasonably can to support and prepare you for assessments when they’re due. However, should you not quite reach the required results then there is an opportunity for you to complete the parts of the assessment required to achieve the qualification. This re-assessment will be discussed confidentially between you and The Learning Wave Assessor. It may be that you need to gather more evidence, or complete another written task, or have an oral assessment. One free re-submisson is extended to learners to support successful completion. Following that additional re-assessments may incur a charge.
Appeals of assessment results:
If you are unhappy with the final result that you received for your portfolio submission, you have the right to submit a formal appeal. Please put this in writing, and submit it to . The Learning wave will follow their appeals process and advise you of the outcome. Please also submit a copy of your appeal to your workplace supervisor.
Any appeals must be made within 6 months of the final submission of your portfolio assessment.
Withdrawal and refunds
Your learning and qualification opportunity is usually fully funded by your employer. You are expected to complete the full learning programme and all assessment requirements. If you need to withdraw from the course, you will need to negotiate this with your workplace training manager, if granted, then they will then advise The Learning Wave of your formal withdrawal. If you withdraw you will not be entitled to any refund.
Making a complaint
The Learning Wave is committed to supporting your achievement and providing you with a great learning experience. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service or the learning and assessment programme, then you have the right to complain. At The Learning Wave we have various methods of capturing your feedback:
- A learner feedback survey is sent to you when you have completed your programme. The results of these are used to inform our continuous improvement evaluations and enhancement initiatives (Please tell us the good and the bad so we know what’s working well and what we could do better).
- Discuss any areas of concern you may have with your Facilitator and/or Assessor, and your workplace supervisor. This discussion may be all that is needed to resolve a problem. If the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction at this stage, they will take personal responsibility for ensuring your complaint is investigated and acted on.
- If you still feel the need to make a formal complaint, then put your complaint in writing, including your name, contact details and the nature of the nature of the complaint. Forward your written complaint, in the first instance, by email to . The Learning Wave CEO will ensure your complaint is fully investigated and acted on.
- Should you feel your complaint is still un-resolved then you may make a formal written complaint to NZQA. However, it’s important to note that NZQA will not consider a complaint unless you have first raised the complaint with The Learning Wave complaints process, or
- if the complaint is about an event that took place more than 6 months before the complaint was made, or
- the complaint is around appeal of an assessment result (for appeals you must follow The Learning Wave Appeals process), or
- any matter that is not related to the learning and assessment experience you are receiving, for example, the private lives of fellow learners or The Learning Wave staff.
Subject to the above conditions, for submitting written complaints to NZQA please download and use the complaints kit from the NZQA website: